LATVIAN SERVICE -- Former residents of the Latvian community at Nieuport House, and many friends, gathered at St Mary's Church, Almeley, recently for the annual service. The service was conducted in Latvian, but easily followed by English friends, by their Minister G Putce and assisted by the Rev. Jen Pollock. Dulcie Ozolins was at the organ. After visiting the graveyard, the congregation was invited to Nieuport House for refreshments, by the present owners, Mr and Mrs Goode.

WHIST DRIVES -- Fortnightly whist drives will resume in Almeley Village Hall on September 25, commencing at 7.45pm. Admission is £1.50 and includes excellent refreshments.

WOMEN'S INSTITUTE -- The next meeting will be in the village hall on September 20 at 7.30pm. Mrs J Cooke will be speaking on the subject of 'Crafts'.

STROKE ASSOCIATION -- A door-to-door collection organised by Margaret Stubbs raised £69.49 for the Stroke Association. Mrs Stubbs thanks everyone who supported this worthy cause.

BELL RINGING -- Practices are held on alternative Fridays at Eardisley and Almeley, beginning at 7.30pm. Further details can be obtained from John Hope.