WOMEN'S INSTITUTE -- The next meeting will be tonight in Linton Village Hall at 7.30pm. The speaker will be Keith Mason, talking on 'Birds of Herefordshire'. This will be an open meeting so all visitors will be welcome. There is also to be a bring-and-buy table.

COUNTRY AND WESTERN --The village hall committee has arranged a musical evening for Saturday at 7.30pm, when Keith Sandall and his partner will entertain with foot-tapping music and sing-a-longs. Those attending are invited to dress up, or down, for this occasion, and a prize will be awarded to the most imaginative costume in keeping with the evenings' theme of Country and Western. Tickets are £7.50 each, including a buffet supper, and are available from Janet Hill on 01989 720315.

The committee thank all those villagers, plus friends and relations, who supported the annual barbecue event, and raised the magnificent sum of £600 towards the hall maintenance fund. It was a great team effort.

ST MARY'S CHURCH -- On Sunday at 9.30pm, Holy Communion will be celebrated and the Sunday School will meet at the same time. The special Harvest Festival service will be held on Sunday, September 23, at 11.15am.