IF you know three good ways of improving the NHS, the Government wants to know, writes LIZ WATKINS.

It is seeking public opinion on the top three changes that could make the health service better.

Twelve million leaflets have been distributed throughout the country with a tear-off reply slip.

Health Secretary Alan Milburn said the NHS belonged to everyone and he wanted everyone to help create the 21st century health service the nation needed.

"The NHS is there for us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Please take a little time to give me your views,'' urged the minister.

"I want to hear what are the top three changes that people believe would make the NHS better,'' he said.

The leaflets are available in GP and dental surgeries, opticians, public libraries, Boots, Superdrug and Lloyds pharmacy chains and at Safeway, Waitrose and Morrison supermarket chains.

Comments can be e-mailed to website www.nhs.uk/nationalplan or sent by ordinary mail to the Health Secretary at PO Box 3040, London, SW1A 2HS.

The minister chose yesterday, May 31, as the day to blitz the nation for its response but the public has until Monday, June 5, to make its views known.

The ideas and suggestions put forward will be used to draw up a new national plan for modernising the NHS which will be published in July.