ALTHOUGH Founders Day at John Beddoes School, Presteigne, started as usual, it changed after the first lesson when pupils and staff took to the streets of the town.

Led by headteacher John Stocker and chairman of the governors, Colin Kirkby, the entire school walked to St Andrew's Church in Presteigne for its annual Founders Day service, which was led by the rector of St Andrew's, the Rev. David Hayes.

Father Bonaventure, parish Catholic priest of Knighton and Presteigne, gave the address.

After the service, an orderly and continuous line of teachers and pupils made their way back to school.

In the afternoon, the school held its traditional sports tournament against Lady Hawkins School, Kington, when sports played included rugby, football, hockey, rounders, cricket, basketball and badminton.

The return matches will be held at Lady Hawkins High School in September on its Founders Day.