PARISH COUNCIL - Six councillors, the chairman, clerk and the Green Party candidate for the Golden Valley election, Mr P Sullivan, attended the April meeting of the parish council. In response to a request from Unison, councillors agreed to write to Herefordshire Council in support of the in-house refuse collectors in their opposition to the contract going to a private Spanish firm. Flooding on the road by Cotton's Meadow was to be inspected, but parish councillors wanted a site meeting to include all interested parties. The street lights transfer to the county council had been delayed, and councillors were angry that a number of lights stopped working after they were tested and found to be in order. Faulty sensors seemed to be the cause. Councillors would pursue their request for a speed limit past the schools in spite of repeated refusals from the authority. The chairman confirmed the parish could had a footpaths notice board and surfacing for the path from Seven Site to New Road, without joining the Parish Paths Scheme. The annual grant of £200 to Kingstone PCC and £100 to Thruxton PCC towards the upkeep of the churchyards was approved, with one councillor voting against. The only planning matter was for the sports hall at the high school. Councillors had not objected, but noted no dimensions were given with the plans, which meant the information was inadequate. The clerk updated councillors on the situation regarding the reclaiming of VAT on the village hall and the progress of the appeal against the Inland Revenue's ruling. The village hall committee members on the council informed the meeting that the formal opening of the village hall, and unveiling of a plaque commemorating the hard work done by the late Colin Meats in obtaining the grants, would be on June 10. All current councillors would be invited. The clerk reported that as there had been only eight nominees for the parish council elections, there would be no elections. It would be possible to co-opt more after that date and it was likely one or two residents would be interested. The chairman, who was stepping down, thanked all the councillors for their hard work, with special reference to the late Colin Meats and Bill Lott, and those who were not standing for re-election. The annual meeting will take place in the village hall on May 23 at 7.45pm.