TALK - For Probus a talk on 'The life and works of J B Priestley' sounded tempting, but to be led on the journey by Mr W Brown and company, complete with soft 'Brudderford' tones, was more than could have been anticipated. Mr Brown took members through the long and varied Priestley life with direct quotations from the works and conversations, while his three lady companions gave readings and sketches to illustrate all aspects of this very versatile yet very consistent wordsmith. It was remarkable to be taken, in a mere hour, through the workings of a journalist, a novelist, a playwright, a travel writer and a broadcaster.

Colwall PLAYERS - 'California Suite' by Neil Simon was presented recently by Colwall Players at Colwall Village Hall. Those taking part were Marilyn Middleton, John Denham, Andrew Howie, Sophie Lloyd, Lee Hutton, Sue Jago, Dianne Lloyd, David Jago and Judy Robertson. The director was Philip Franklin.

SERVICE - On Palm Sunday evening at St James Church, the augmented choir with orchestra performed Beati quorum via by Stanford and Requiem by Faure. The conductor was Carl Attwood. Afterwards, there was a retiring collection in aid of Mozambique.