THEATRE - Eardisley Little Theatre Company were winners in the 2000 Midland Division of the All England Theatre Festival, held in the Ludlow Assembly Rooms on Saturday, April 15. Their play, 'Blue Remembered Hills', by Dennis Potter, was directed by Alun Roberts. He, and the cast of Paul Davies, John Hawes, Richard Royle, Malcolm Mason, Sue Roberts, Catherine Brenchley and Jens Bryan, plus all the behind-the-scenes crew, and the creators of the magnificent set, are to be congratulated on their great success. The group will be competing in the English final at York in June.

WHIST DRIVE - There was an excellent turnout for the monthly social whist drive held at the New Strand on April 17. MC Philip Jenkins, presented prizes to Mrs D Morris, Mrs D Doody, Mrs M Thomas, Mrs N Nicholas, Mrs Jenkins and Mr V Goode. The next whist drive will be on Monday, May 22, at 7.45pm.