PARISH COUNCIL - The April meeting of Ewyas Harold Parish Council was held at the Memorial Hall, with Peter Jinman in the chair. A large number of items of correspondence was discussed and the clerk presented the financial report, which was approved. It was agreed to provide a grant of £150 to the pre-school playgroup, to replace equipment. John Middle reported on the progress of the Millennium Village Enhancement Scheme. Pontrilas Women's Institute had offered to add the Village of the Year prize money to other funds available to them to provide a new seat in the centre of the village. The deterioration of the road near the doctor's surgery had been reported to the highway authority, and no reply had been received regarding the footway running from the Temple Bar Inn to the Methodist chapel. The clerk reported that RoSPA had not yet reported back after its inspection of the recreation ground. Vandals had once again damaged the pavilion clock. Councillor Elizabeth Overstall reported on a recent meeting of the village transport group. A driver was still required to operate the community vehicle in the Ewyas Harold area. It was agreed to enter this year's Village of the Year competition, and Councillor Graham Sprackling offered to complete and send in the necessary registration and entry forms. It was agreed that as parish council elections would take place on May 4, the date of the group parish council meeting and AGM should be moved to May 7 at 7.30pm. It would be held in the recreation ground pavilion.