LENTEN LUNCHES - The sum of £195 went to Christian Aid from the Lenten soup lunches held in Knighton at the St Edward's Close social room. Organiser Olive Waters, supported by a voluntary team of soup makers, waitresses, kitchen helpers and raffle prize donors, was pleased with the result. This year there was the added enjoyment of home-made bread buns, and a weekly raffle prize of a home-made fruit cake made by Donald Lewis, of Frydd Road.

WEDNESDAY CLUB - Helpers at Knighton Wednesday Club held on April 12 at the social room, St Edward's Close, were Mrs I Leeson, Mrs M Cox and Mrs W Davies. Winners in the raffle were: Mrs B Davies, Mrs M Tanner, Mrs M Payne, Mrs V Parker-Smith, Mrs N Maund, Mrs R Parry, Miss V Pugh, Mrs E Bostock, Mr D Lewis, Miss D Burgins and Mr R Price.Marjorie Cox organised an amusing quiz.

WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - Joan Beattie presided at the April meeting of Tref-y-Clawdd Women's Institute. Hilda Mosler welcomed the speaker and demonstrator, Margaret Parsons, who gave the members a lively description of the art of decorating eggs. Mrs Parsons had many fine examples of her work, and showed the various processes necessary to complete the transformation of the plain blown egg to the highly decorative finished product. Shirley Moorhouse thanked Mrs Parsons for her fascinating and informative talk. The short mat bowls team was thanked and congratulated for its efforts, gaining a place in the semi-finals of the competition. Norma Hughes reported on the content of a display and staging course which she had attended during March. Arrangements were discussed for the annual spring sale which would take place on April 8. Betty Richards was a fortunate recipient of a tapestry kit as a free gift, as featured in the WI's own magazine 'Home and Country'. Many members subscribed monthly to this magazine and Mrs Richards hoped her success might encourage new subscribers. Joan Beattie reported on her interesting visit to the National Library of Wales at Aberystwyth, organised by the county federation. The day had been a great success and full of useful information. Olive Waters, Joan Beattie and Gwen Evans had visited Mr and Mrs Gardner at their home in Presteigne and brought greetings and news of them to the meeting. Members hoped the Gardners would enjoy better health in the future. The raffle, a tapestry cushion, was won by Joan Beattie, and tea hostesses were Mrs A Glass and Mrs E Hamer. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 3, at 7pm at Norton Street Baptist Schoolroom, when resolutions will be discussed.

SALE - Knucklas Community Centre is holding a sale in Knighton Church Hall on Saturday, May 6, at 3pm in the church hall. A limited number of pitches will be rented out. For bookings and further information contact Anne Leighfield on 01547 528792.

LABOUR PARTY - Knighton and Presteigne Labour Party met at 5 Swan Court, Knighton. Members expressed concern about the future of local post offices and the branch had written to the Prime Minister urging him to support this vital service to rural communities.

ST EDWARD'S CHURCH - Gilbert the donkey, by permission of the Price family at Llanshay, led the Palm Sunday procession from the clock tower to St Edward's Church. There was a short service at the clock, during which the traditional crosses made from palm leaves were blessed by Knighton's vicar, the Rev. Timothy Williams. A celebration of the holy eucharist in the church followed. Linda Heakin and Jan Jones read the lessons, and the account of the Passion from Matthew's gospel was dramatised, with Father Williams as narrator, Peter Waters reading the words of Christ, and Kevin Kell as the baddies, Judas Iscariot, Pilate and the High Priest. The congregation joined in the crowd scenes. Jean Price lead the prayers with a special intercession for Palm Sunday. Peter Waters and Kevin Kell assisted with the distribution of the communion, during which the choir, under the direction of Hilary Howcrof,t sung to music by J S Bach. Cecil Rudge was organist.