SERVICE - People from the Birch Group of Parishes met at Much Birch Village Hall for the handing out of palms and a short start to the forthcoming service at Little Birch Church. Halfway to Little Birch, the walkers were joined by Sheena, a 34-year-old donkey, owned and loaned by Mrs George. Sheena led the way to the church. The Rev. John Wilson gave the sermon and the intercessions were led by Judy Dinnen. During the service, the Rev. Alan Jevons presented a gift to Major Dick Haig in thanks for his many years of looking after the Birch Group expenses account. After the service, the ladies of Little Birch provided refreshments.

THANKS - Thanks have been extended to Frank Roche who, for many years, has looked after the Envelope Scheme at Much Birch and to Richard Brown for taking over. Thanks also went to Gill Holder and Gill Williams for their work with the Ark group over many years.