BRIDGE REPAIR - The repair of Boultibrook Bridge on the B4355 main road between Presteigne and Norton has been completed well under the estimated eight weeks, and residents of the two communities are delighted to have the road open. Powys County Council Highways Department can feel delighted, since those now using the road have all been impressed at the results of the contractors' work. County councillor Garry Banks said he had received many expressions of congratulations to be passed on to Powys Highways, which he would convey to John Owens, head of department, and county councillor Fred Allen, chairman of Highways. Councillor Banks had inspected the bridge before work began and saw the extent of damage to the upstream embankment due to flood water in recent years which had cracked away concrete and threatened to undermine the roadway. Closure of the bridge caused a diversion of through traffic to Knighton via Whitton, though technically, the old bridge, which served the road before the new one was built in 1933, was still a public road and could be used, with care.

PROCESSION - For the first time, the Council of Churches organised a Palm Sunday procession. Bearing large sprays of greenery, representatives of the town's churches made their way together from the Catholic Church to St Andrew's, led by a gentle and co-operative donkey. A considerable congregation had already gathered at the parish church to witness the entry of the procession, heralded by the donkey, and all turned to face the restored tapestry depicting the entry of Christ into Jerusalem and sang the traditional hymn. The service, led by the Rev. David Hayes and Leslie Beers, with readers from all the churches, included the gospel stories of Palm Sunday and the Passion of Christ.

BOOK LAUNCH - Local author Pat Lyne attracted a capacity audience when she gave a talk to the Newman Circle at the Catholic Church on the subject of her book,'Edith Stein Discovered', just published. In researching the book, she had travelled to most of the places Edith Stein had lived and worked in Germany. After her talk and discussion, everyone was invited to a reception at Carmel Court and a book signing.

EASTER PARTY - East Radnorshire Day Centre was a colourful scene as the staff and clients prepared to welcome visitors for a fund-raising Easter tea party. Earlier, they had donned Easter bonnets on which two of their members had spent many hours making flowers and trimmings of every colour. Cakes, plants and craftwork loaded the stalls, and raffles lent a spice of excitement. First prize of a hamper was won by Leane Banks, grand-daughter of one of the members. The event raised £401 for the members' Comfort Fund. Organiser Vicki Ball thanked everyone who supported the event and contributed to the happy afternoon.