AUCTION - Weobley Arts Project is staging an auction of promises in June. Forms for people to fill in with their offers are available from the post office or from Kate Jones at the Glebe House, telephone 318901. These forms are being collected this month and an auction list will be made up. It will be available in May for people to consider and to send to their relations and friends outside the area. Bids will be accepted from people who cannot get to the auction on the night, so no one need miss out on the chance to benefit from any of the offers.

FUND SALE - Weobley and Staunton Surgery fund sale will be held at the Hopelands on Saturday, commencing at 2pm. It is in aid of the surgery equipment fund and stalls will include cakes, tombola, good jumble, bric-a-brac and plants, plus a draw with a first prize of £20 and many other prizes. Doctors, say the organisers, do their best when people need them and are urging villagers to support this effort to raise funds. Gifts of cakes, bottles and other donations would be appreciated.