CHURCHES in Herefordshire are set to tackle drugs and homelessness - or at least to talk about the problems, writes GEORGE CHILDREN.

They are gathering various agencies to take part in a forum at the Shirehall, Hereford, on May 6.

Aimed principally at clergy and churchgoers, the event is being organised by Churches Together in Herefordshire, an initiative uniting worshippers of all denominations.

County ecumenical officer Ray Rose said the 'Spring Forum' was for those seeking advice, contacts and general information that would assist them in 'pointing people in the right direction'.

Slogans such as 'Recognise the problems', 'See what is being done' and 'Help in any way you can' accompany publicity for the event.

The line-up of agencies that have agreed to participate includes, on the 'drugs issue', Family Drugs Support, Drugs and Alcohol Services Herefordshire and West Mercia Constabulary, with the Drugs Action Team and Community Safety Partnership.

Herefordshire Council, Herefordshire Homelessness Forum, the Citizens Advice Bureau, Open Door, Shelter and Hope Scott House have all been invited to contribute to the homelessness debate.

Says Mr Rose: "It is open to all to come and gain an understanding of the problems that exist in the county and to appreciate the services provided by the caring agencies."

Visitors will be able to discuss with representatives of the agencies the work they do and find out how services can be accessed.

The Drugs and Homelessness Forum runs from 10am to 3.30pm and includes displays and presentations.