A CROSS-BORDER political 'raider' is gunning for Herefordshire Council - with ammunition supplied by his opposition, writes BILL TANNER.

Would-be MP Peter Gooderham, battling in Brecon and Radnor as a Tory, has fired a verbal volley over Offa's Dyke with the council's cabinet in sight.

County leader Terry James blasted back with both barrels. Dr Gooderham, he said, had hit himself in the foot.

The 'shoot-out' was sparked by statements from sitting Brecon and Radnor MP Richard Livsey, who criticised the cabinet concept at a recent rally.

His remarks, reported in The Hereford Times, referred to the reform of local government as 'disastrous' and promoting 'secrecy'.

Dr Gooderham was swift to seize on the speech. Mr Livsey, he said, seemed unaware of a 'supreme example of cabinet secrecy' right next to his constituency, in Lib-Dem controlled Herefordshire.

"Either that, or he (Mr Livsey) is deliberately sticking the boot into his colleagues during an election campaign. Surely he knows that the cabinet is the idea of Terry James, whose Kington ward borders on Radnorshire."

Dr Gooderham has written to Lib-Dem leader Charles Kennedy asking where the party stands on the council cabinets issue.

Councillor James, however, has no doubts. He cites evidence as showing Dr Gooderham shooting himself in the foot.

"Herefordshire Council's cabinet is open and supported by all the political groups. A number of Tory authorities have been to see how we operate and come away impressed - so who's out of touch?"