MONMOUTH and District Branch of the National Childbirth Trust has taken delivery of £1,000 to fund sessions by an antenatal teacher and breastfeeding counsellor.

The money is their share of the £302,124 being handed out to 64 voluntary groups in Wales in the first round of donations to be awarded by the Lloyds TSB Foundation in 2000.

The branch provides information and support to parents and parents-to-be during pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood.

Other good causes getting a boost include MIND - Abergavenny, which has received £5,000 for core funding of the 3Cs centre, and Age Concern Radnorshire, which has been given £5,000 to buy furniture for a new day centre.

Usk House Day Hospice will put its gift of £4,000 towards funding the community nursing service.