A EUROPE-funded project to regenerate Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown and Walterstone may include neighbouring parishes in its second phase, writes ANITA HOWELLS.

The Olchon Development Group was given a £20,000 brief by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to collect data and create an information base that could be used for the development of sustainable economic regeneration.

At the end of 18 months, the information gathered has yielded invaluable insights into the make-up and potential of the communities, economically and environmentally. Neighbouring parishes could benefit from a similar database.

"We collected data and researched the local economy. We looked at land use and the environment, stone walls and styles and local history. We also made a tourism strategy," said former co-ordinator of the group, Ruth Watkins, from Craswall.

She says the information can be used to assess business opportunities. "'Olchon Ongoing' is looking at the potential of direct marketing and joint distribution of locally-produced food. An area like this is under a great deal of pressure to move in that direction," she said.

Local produce may also be used to develop tourism in the area. One suggestion is a food and farming festival. The development of good circular walks is also being considered.

The database holds the key to the protection and enhancement of the landscape and wildlife. In a 15 per cent land area survey, the group discovered a wild service tree, an ancient lime and several species of orchid.

The group will discuss the way forward at its next AGM in May. Data is available from the Olchon Development Group, PO Box 29, Hereford, HR2 OYS.