ON Saturday Ledbury were away at North Midlands One champions Droitwich for their last league game of the season.

DROITWICH 1sts 34pts, LEDBURY 1sts 17pts

From the offset the wet, windy prevailing weather dictated that it was to be a forwards game

with the backs seeing very little ball throughout. A breakaway try in the opening minutes of the game by the hosts immediately confirmed their ability, however Ledbury battled bravely to even up the game with a well worked try by Morrison who took the ball over the line following some exceptional strong scrummaging by the Ledbury pack. Not converted.

Once again however it was Droitwich who took the lead with two equally well deserved tries following some good open running. Ledbury replied with an excellent charge down try on the Droitwich line by Andrew Burnett minutes before the half time whistle blew. Not converted. Half time score 17-10.

The second half again saw a quick home score only minutes into the half immediately placing Ledbury under pressure.

Ledbury contested well however and the remainder of the game was a closely fought battle with two further tries and a penalty being awarded to Droitwich, who on the day deserved the win.

Ledbury fought resolutely in a game that was much closer than the score suggests. An excellently worked consolation try for Ledbury by second row Alan Dixon in the dying seconds of the game finished the scoring to close the game 34-17 in Droitwich's favour.

Ledbury finish a very respectable fourth this season in the league, an improvement on last year and can look positively to future league success next year.

Tomorrow (Saturday) Ledbury are at home to Chosen Hill, kick off 3pm, all support welcome.