Leominster'S Lion Gallery, in Broad Street, has quickly become part of the artistic life of the area, although it only opened in June 1995. At a Leominster District Council forum late in 1994, one of the ideas to come forward was the notion of a gallery where locally produced arts and crafts could be displayed and sold. The result was the Lion Gallery, run by a collective of artists and crafts people on a non-profit-making basis.

The regularly changing displays are the fruits of the labour of artists from the Herefordshire and Shropshire border area, giving the gallery a true local flavour.

''We have lots of very good quality artists in the region,'' said spokesman Chris Noble. ''There are about 120 on our books and there is always a queue waiting to show. We are fairly selective in what we put on display and want to create the right image.''

No restriction is placed on the types of art and craft on display, with quality being the only criterion. Everything from ceramics, pottery, jewellery and watercolours through to photography has been welcomed, with even, occasionally, non-professional work from children's workshops finding space.

''The most unusual thing we have sold was the carved head of a teddy boy, by David Jones, which went for £375,'' said Chris Noble. The gallery's reputation has spread wide, with a regular clientele visiting from London as a result of advertising in specialist magazines, and soon they will have an even better gallery to visit.

A lottery grant is going to mean that the Lion will soon be refurbished and re-equipped.