A WELL-KNOWN Hereford pensioner has hit out at the 'faceless officials' who are planning to block off his street from traffic.

Jack Trumper was a familiar face in the city for many years as he fought crime with the Hereford police force.

But now he has a fresh battle on his hands as he prepares to take on the might of Herefordshire Council's traffic department.

"They've sent me a letter to tell me they're putting 'No Entry' signs up in Old Eign Hill, stopping me from driving up my road," Mr Trumper fumed this week.

"I don't believe it. People take their kids to Hampton Dene Primary School and the teachers use it as well. It's quite a busy road," the 81-year-old added.

Andrew Lee-Jones, lead engineer, confirmed that a plan to improve traffic safety in the Hampton Dene area was being considered.

"The proposal is to introduce a one-way traffic system on the lower part of Old Eign Hill. It is currently dangerous for vehicles to turn out at the top of the road," he explained.

"The visibility when coming out at the top at Hafod Road is not very good and it could cause an accident.

"We have written to local residents to let them know about the plans. The plan is up for consultation. We will talk to police, councillors and so on before we reach a final decision."

Meanwhile Mr Trumper is determined that his routines will not be broken.

"I can't understand why these faceless officials are doing this. I've lived here since 1952 and want to continue driving up the road the way I always have done.

"Where will people turn around if they drive up here by accident?"

The war veteran joined the Hereford police force in 1937 and went on to be an army intelligence expert, coroner's officer and - in his latter years - supervising county court bailiff.