CHANGES made to the city's Old Wye Bridge are making conditions 'difficult and dangerous' for the hundreds of cyclists who use it daily.

That is the claim of Hereford Cycle Users' Group in a letter to Herefordshire Council's transportation manager, John Colyer.

Group organiser Mike Harrison says: "The council has not taken sufficient account of this important mode of travel and this neglect is leading to further problems.

"Cyclists who have passed through a green light have been forced off their bikes by fast oncoming traffic in the middle of the bridge.

"Others have wobbled and got off as vehicles attempted to overtake them. There is much confusion and increasing numbers are choosing the pavement as the only safe option."

In the letter, Mr Harrison suggests that a 'proper plan' for the bridge should be drawn up that is sympathetic to the main modes of transport, including the bicycle.

"One possibility, common elsewhere, is closing the bridge to motor vehicles. But if motor access is deemed essential, then there should be calming, with vehicles slowed closer to pedestrian speeds," he says.