Abbeydore Women's Guild: Anne Ponting, 01981 240583.

Ledbury Ladies Lifeboat Guild: Mrs F E Bradley, Peartree Cottage, Wellington Heath, Ledbury, 01531 633286.

HFWI: County Press Officer. Mrs Joy Ward, 75 Walkers Green, Marden 01432 880764.

Hereford Women's Aid: Office hours, 01432 356146; out of office hours via Samaritans, 01432 269000.

National Council of Women of Great Britain: Mrs Mary Buckeridge, 01432 273996.

National Women's Register: Hereford Bobby Howells, 01432 275607.

Women's World Day of Prayer: Major R Roberts, 7 Broomy Hill, Hereford, 274769.