A PRESTEIGNE couple have had their cottage garden listed in the Daily Mail's top ten classic rose gardens.

Richard and Jane Barton, of Ivy Cottage, in Kinsham, said they were "delighted to be in such good company" with their garden featured in the article.

As that feature stated, Ivy Cottage is a small private garden where you can see a lot of roses - and although not an official national collection, Jane has assembled 50 types of shrub rose during her time at the property.

A keen gardener for 25 years, Jane inherited a framework of shrubs and a large greenhouse when the couple moved to Kinsham from Dymock in 1992 - bringing 150 plants with her!

Although "cottage garden style", Jane is keen to emphasise the garden is not haphazard at all, with colour-themed borders.

Working at the Cathedral library means that for Jane, gardening is "her favourite pastime".

For inspiration, she looks to the likes of Christopher Lloyd, whose garden at Great Dixter in Kent is open to the public.

"He's an individual and he gives ideas to people," she said.

The couple open their garden for charity under the National Garden Scheme by appointment from April to September. Call 01544 267154 for more details.