A NEW games facility for young people in Hereford has been launched.

The court at Waterfield Road was opened by Councillor Roy Stockton and was soon being used for an inaugural basketball tournament organised by Jo Tomlins, a community action youth worker, and featured a guest appearance by the Hereford Hawks Basketball Team.

The Hawks coached young players during an afternoon of fun designed to raise awareness of the facility.

The Herefordshire Council Youth Service fun bus was on site with lots of activities for children and Junk Percussion provided music.

Fran White, parks development manager, said: "We are pleased to provide this excellent new multi-use games area, which has been funded by the South Hereford Area Regeneration Project (SHARP) in partnership with Herefordshire Council and grants from Living Spaces, Awards For All, Community Pride and the Healthy Schools Partnership.

"The court has been marked out for a range of ball games so we hope people will be able to enjoy playing anything from basketball to football to netball in the summer holidays and in the future."