An exhibition of works by seven local artists begins at the School House Gallery in Leintwardine this week. Eileen Addy and Ivan Jones work in pastels while Alison Grimley and Rae Harrison excel in oil.

David Donne, who showed his etchings at the last exhibition, has brought watercolours and oils of the local area.

Brenda Griffiths' colourful acrylics have a very different approach to art and Tony Collier combines pencil and pastel most effectively.

Gallery owner Kim Smith is delighted to have such variety.

"The breadth of talent in the local area continues to astonish me. I know that visitors will enjoy seeing the way each of the artists presents their work."

The gallery, in High Street, Leintwardine, is open on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 10am and 5pm. The exhibition runs until September 3.