TRAFALGAR WEEKEND - David Coleman reported in the Tarrington Tatler about the arrangements for the celebrations for the Trafalgar Weekend, to be held over the weekend of October 22-23.

Various events are planned including building a bonfire and a replica of a naval ship. A lecture on the Battle of Trafalgar and a biography of Lord Nelson.

There is to be a tea afterwards in the Lady Emily Hall and a Gala Concert in church. There will also be a firework display and a special service in church on Sunday.

DIARY DATES - Parish Plan Steering Committee open to Tarrington residents held in the Tarrington Arms are on Thursday, September 8 and Tuesday, October 11.

Drop-In Lunches: Thursday, August 25 at Freetown Farm, Margie Bradstock tel 890238 and on September 22 at Tantallon, Church View, Jeanette Forrester tel 890440.

FLICKS IN THE STICKS - Saturday, October 29, Pride and Prejudice, at the Lady Emily Hall at 7.30pm