EXHIBITION - Lingen Village Hall are holding an Art and Craft Exhibition and Sale from August 27-29, daily from 10am until 6pm. refreshments will be available all day with ploughmans Lunch is served from midday until 2pm. More details are available from Mrs Morris on 01544 267314. There will be a preview on Friday, August 26, at 7pm, and the show will be opened by Mr L Banks from Hergest Croft.

DANCE - Presteigne Pearls have dance troops every Sunday at the Memorial Hall from 6pm-8pm. All girls are welcome.

LIBRARY - Presteigne library will open as normal on Saturday, August 27, but will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday, August 29.

100 CLUB - Presteigne St Andrew's Football Club would like to invite you to enter their 100 Club. The cost is £25 per year payable before the end of September. A draw is made every month with a first prize of £100. More information is available from Club Chairman on 01544 260485.