PARISH COUNCIL -The final map of registered Common Land and Open Country was made available for inspection. It would be passed to the local Footpaths Officer for observation and report.

Nature Trust:Councillor P.Jinman reported a good response to the questionnaire. A report would be prepared in time for the annual meeting of the Commoners Society in the Autumn.

St. Martin's Well: Notification has been received from the Lord of the Manor

John Rogers that he can no longer supply water from this source to those

people living in the village still on this private system, so they are advised to

seek connection to the mains supply. Those seeking clarification should

contact Mr Rogers.

Recreation Ground: Arrangements are being made for an embankment slide.

Re-siting of the swings will be required before the construction of the mound for the slide. The User Group will draw up plans for sports facilities in the field. The Clerk will prepare a notice inviting expressions of interest for the

formation of a tennis club in the village. The primary school would be asked if

they were interested.

PLANNING - The Council had no objections to the following: Barn conversion to ice-cream production at Rowlestone Court Farm; extension of car park at Golden Valley Surgery; extensions to Vroe Farm, Rowlestone and Ash Lea, Ewyas Harold.

VE celebrations: Preparations were being made in the Memorial Hall for a date at the end of October.

Next Council Meeting will be on September 6 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall.

INFORMAL INSPIRATIONS - A drop-in every Thursday 10.30am - 12.30pm in Memorial Hall Ewyas Harold. For those feeling fed up, depressed or simply in need of company.

Contact 079771 69804 or 01432 278569 HEREFORDSHIRE MIND - Coffee Concerts continue in Dore Abbey with Shariann Bolton from Birmingham Conservetoire on Saturday, coffee served at 11am. Performance 11.30am - 12.15pm.

There will be a retiring collection.

WI GROUP MEETING - All the Womens Institutes in the Golden Valley will be meeting in Clifford Hall 7.30pm next Wednesday for the Annual Group Meeting. A lively programme is planned with the Eager Divas as star guests. Visitors are always made welcome.