TENNIS - Mini tennis is taking place throughout the summer at the Eardisley club. Fun days with the exception of next Wednesday, will be held each Wednesday from 10am until noon. There is no charge for members and £1 only for non-members. The club is staging an open day on Saturday August 27, from 10am onwards. Guests are invited to play tennis, win prizes and receive friendly advice. This is an opportunity not to be missed.

GROUP PARISH COUNCIL - At the last meeting it was announced that the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 will come into force in spring 2006. The parishes may issue fixed penalties of £75 for litter, graffiti, fly posting and dog fouling. The following planning applications were discussed: 1 Proposed extension for toilets, kitchen and storeroom at St Mary Magdalene Church, 2 Proposed chimney pot cowl and lining at New Barns, 3 Renovation and extension to provide one residential dwelling at the Old Smithy, adjoining New House, Woodseaves.

TEA AND CHAT - The members of the Eardisley Methodist Church are having a tea and chat time in the chapel on Wednesday, August 31, from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Anyone needing transport to this event should contact Vanessa Woodcock on 01544 327835. The teas in the garden held at Stonewell Cottage raised over £220 for the Methodist Circuit Funds.

MOBILE LIBRARY - On the third Friday of each month, the travelling library comes to Eardisley. The time for the visit has been brought forward by half an hour which means the Almeley Road call will be at 1.35pm.