VILLAGE HALL - The autumn schedule of events gets underway in September with the starting again of the popular Ballroom Dancing Classes which begin on Thursday, September 8. Mike Evans and his wife from Shobdon will be the tutors. Newcomers are particularly welcome and don't have to have any prior experience or necessarily have to have a partner. Just come along from 8pm to 10pm. Light refreshments will be served. For more information Telephone Ruth Scamp on 01568 709031.

There will be a quiz night on Friday, September 9, at 7.30pm when teams of up to four people take part at £5 per team.

Carpet Bowling takes place every Monday evening at 7.30pm

WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - Members of the twin WI, Burghill and Tillington were welcomed to the August meeting when President, Hazel Thomson gave a very interesting talk about her years as the Sister in charge of a busy Accident and Emergency Unit at a hospital in the London area. She had prepared a medical quiz for the audience which was won by Wendy Duggan and Joanne Helme. The flower of the month competition was won by Audrey Graham with Marion Griffiths second and Katrina Youngman third.

An outing to Tintern Abbey and Cribbs Causeway will take place on Tuesday September 13. The coach will leave the village hall car park at 9.30am. After coffee at Tintern Abbey members will travel on to Harry Ramsden's Restaurant at Cribbs Causeway for a fish and chip lunch. There are still a few places left on the coach and anyone wishing to join us can ring Marion Griffiths on 01568 7704998 or Hazel Thomson on 01568 770368.