A CALL is being made by Leominster MP, Bill Wiggin, to start a poultry society in Herefordshire.

Mr Wiggin said he had a long-standing interest in poultry and would be delighted to hear from anybody who would be interested.

"There are societies all over Britain for the promotion and enjoyment of poultry, some of which have gone from strength to strength to the point where they now hold their own shows."

He said societies had a considerable impact on promoting poultry keeping as a rewarding and valuable pastime.

"As someone who keeps chickens and attends as many poultry auctions and events as I can, I would like there to be a society for people in the vicinity of my constituency who share my passion for keeping domestic fowl."

Mr Wiggin added: "If anyone in the Herefordshire area is interested in setting up a society to share ideas and advice on keeping and buying birds and supporting the cause of poultry in our area, they should get in touch - and if we have enough interest, then hopefully we can start our own society."