HEREFORDSHIRE CBA entertained a strong Suffolk VP Touring team at Hereford, losing by 127-98, and visited Chester Road BC for a match against Worcestershire CBA when they went down 127-121.

In the match against Suffolk Tourists, David White skipped Herefordshire's only winning rink to a 17-12 success after being ahead throughout the match.

Jack Gray's rink led 19-15 after 18 ends but lost seven shots on the last three ends to go down 22-19, and the rink skipped by John Wear lost 23-17 after being level at 15-15 after 17 ends.

Phil Williams' rink had a tight match but finished 19-13 down, and the rink skipped by Ron Perry had a similar experience, going down 24-15. Ray Walker skipped the highest losing rink, being beaten 27-17 after being level at 15-15 after 15 ends.

In the match against Worcestershire, John Wear skipped his rink to a 25-19 victory after scoring eight shots on the last two ends, and Colin Reading's rink also won by six shots, finishing 21-15 ahead.

Herefordshire's other winning rink was skipped by Ray Walker and won a tight match 20-19.

Alec Carter's rink led 23-17 but lost 19 shots on the last two ends to go down 26-23 and the rink skipped by Ron Perry finished 20-15 down. Bill Wheatley skipped the highest losing rink, 28-17.