Hereford traders are warning that some shops in the city centre face being badly hit by pedestrianisation.

Peter Garner, director of the Hereford Trade Federation, said the 250-strong group is not against the move to leave much of the city centre free from cars - but he wants help for those shop keepers that have their business damaged.

"Herefordshire Council thinks pedestrianisation is wonderful but they need to understand that not everyone is going to benefit," said Mr Garner.

"There is a real risk that we will have a situation in which some people are rejoicing while others are going to a funeral.

"We know some people are very pleased and say the initiative has increased the number of people coming to them.

"We believe most shoppers like it because it makes shopping easier and safer, especially for children.

"But it is not all good news and Herefordshire Council needs to listen to and respond to the concerns of traders for whom this is not such good news."

He has called for two-stage initiative help to be given to Hereford shops facing problems, especially in the West Street, Broad Street, King Street and Church Street area.

"There needs to be a pot of money that can be used to compensate people who can properly demonstrate their properties have lost value or that they have lost trade as a result of the work.

"Secondly, the council should fund a major initiative to promote this part of the city and take a lead with marketing the area adversely affected."

Hereford Trade Federation is waiting for the authority to respond to the call before deciding what action to take.