PEOPLE from all over the world plan to snorkel in a Welsh bog on August Bank Holiday weekend.

Among them will be Mark Edwards, a father of two from Docklow.

He has never done it before and has no idea how unpleasant it might be.

But the reason is a good one, as it raises money to help pay for research into cystic fibrosis.

Mark, a mechanic in Leominster, and his wife, Lil, have two young sons - Joseph, who will be five next month and Oliver, who is two in October.

Sadly, Oliver was diagnosed earlier this year to be suffering with cystic fibrosis and his father wants to help the cause.

The annual world bog snorkelling championships are held at Llanwrtyd Wells near Builth Wells and attract great support.

A trench 60 yards long is dug through the bog and contenders have to snorkel their way through each way. The one with the fastest time, wins.

Mark has persuaded his carpenter friend Nik Byard to join him in the adventure and both are hoping to find some muddy water in the area for a practice run. "We have no idea what it will be like but it is for such a good cause," said Mark.

Anyone who would like to sponsor the pair can call 07971 677685.