WITH Christmas on the horizon, the most organised of people are already into present shopping.

One much loved gift which is always welcomed by children is a rocking horse.

Les Bick, of Bodenham, made one by hand for his grandchildren, who had much fun rocking with it.

But that was 12 years ago, the children are older and the horse is standing rather forlorn at the home of Les and his wife, Maureen.

The couple believe it would be much happier with children and offered it to the Lugg Valley friends of Cancer Research UK to help raise funds for the cause.

The friends decided a raffle would be the best way to choose a new owner and have booked Friday, November 25, for the lucky ticket to be drawn - in plenty of time for Christmas.

Les said the horse was made of laminated plywood, carved with a power file, a lovely head and complete with saddle and bridle.

"We did not want to sell it, we need the space and Maureen and I would be pleased for it to make money for such a good cause," said Les.

The £1 tickets have already been on sale at Kwik Save in Leominster - and will be offered at B&Q in Hereford on October 1 and 2 and the Co-op in Hereford on October 7 and 8. More voluntary sellers are also needed.

They will be out in force on Sunday, September 11, when the friends hold a sponsored walk around the Bodenham area, also for Cancer Research UK.

Three and seven-mile walks are planned, starting at Bodenham Village Hall at 10am.