THIS year's Herefordshire Country Fair was an unqualified success, thanks not only to the generous donation of the site by Major Patrick Darling and the hard work of my committee and helpers, but also to the people of the county and surrounding area that supported us so well on the day.

Without the enthusiasm of the paying public, the fair would not survive and I feel that would be a great loss to the local rural and urban population alike.

It is, after all, their show and, with such support it will continue to grow, providing entertainment, information and education about all the things that are good in our beautiful countryside,

May I, through your columns, thank everybody who joined us at Castle Meadow Caradoc on such a special day.

I will look forward to meeting them there again on August 6 next year for the 27th annual fair.

Ronnie Mills, Chairman,

Court Farm, Kenchester