HEAVY rain did not dampen spirits or deter visitors to this year's Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society Show.

The popular event, at Colwall Village Hall on Saturday, saw entries up on last year.

The show, which can trace its roots back to the wartime home and garden show, featured 82 exhibitors and attracted hundreds of visitors.

Entries in the flower and vegetable classes were described as being of "superb quality" by society chairman Paul Picton.

"They were so lush," he said.

Mr Picton said one of the nicest things about the show was the large number of exhibitors.

"We're a small village show and to have so many individuals actively taking part is wonderful," he said.

In addition to fruit, flowers and vegetables there are classes for floral art, handicrafts, cookery and the young.



Banksian medal of the Royal Horticultural Society for most prize money in flower and vegetable classes: R Oliver, Acton Beauchamp.

National Vegetable Society medal and certificate for the most meritorious exhibit of vegetables in show: R Oliver, Acton Beauchamp.

Silver cup for most points in flower and vegetable classes: R Oliver, Acton Beauchamp.

Silver cup for Wyche and Colwall resident gaining most points in flower and vegetable classes. Members of Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society excluded: Colin Lane, Colwall.

Percy Picton Memorial Trophy for the best exhibit of clematis: R B Ince, Colwall.

Old Court Nurseries Rose Bowl for herbaceous perennials: Sharon Maiden, Wellington Heath.

Elms Cup for sweet peas: Colin Ince, Colwall.

Ernest Ballard Cup for the best exhibit of alpine plants: R Dudfield, Hereford.

Helen Picton Tankard for violas/ pansies: Helen Picton, West Malvern.

Milne Cup for the Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society member gaining most points in flower and vegetable classes: R Oliver, Acton Beauchamp.

Floral art section cup: Dorothy Lockyear and Claire Pearson.

Rose Bishop Memorial Plate for Dundee cake: Joan Lane, Colwall.

Silver cup for most points in handicraft section: Carole Judge, Hereford.

Silver cup for most points in the cookery section: Joan Lane, Colwall.

Junior section cup for under eight years: Tom Mitchell, Colwall.

Junior section cup for above eight years: Isobel Hitchen, West Malvern.

Jim Tudge Memorial Trophy for most points in the vegetable section: R Oliver, Acton Beauchamp.