Ledbury's mass of roadside signage could be blitzed in a new campaign.

Reducing the size and volume of traffic signage, removing redundant signposts and cutting down on bill-boards are among plans currently being prepared by Herefordshire Council.

The Hereford Road junction, near the railway station, is first for the facelift, with Top Cross also high on the list.

The campaign follows discussions between Herefordshire Council's highways representatives, town councillors, Ledbury and District Society Trust, and branch members of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), who have set up a working party to monitor the issue.

Highways area manager Tom Davies said results would be visible within three months.

"Some areas in the town are much in need of some improvements and we've identified those," he said. "This should make the areas tidier and make signage clearer for motorists."

He said work would be funded by the council, with some money from the CPRE.

Several entries in a recent Ledbury grot-spots photography competition highlighted the issue and were shown to Mr Davies.

Competition organiser Cyril Stone, of Ledbury CPRE and the Ledbury and District Society Trust, said: "This seems to have spurred on some action, so we're very pleased.

"The end result should be a real improvement in the appearance of Ledbury, which we hope will be appreciated by residents and visitors alike."

The winner of the grot-spot competition, Brian Foskett, was presented with a bottle of champagne by James Hervey-Bathurst, of Eastnor Castle, on Friday. His winning image was of the boarded up former cottage hospital.