A VETERAN of Operation Pedestal, the crucial effort to supply besieged Malta during the Second World War, has welcomed the unveiling of a memorial recognising the sacrifice.

Robert Cosh, from Ledbury, was among hundreds of British servicemen who risked their lives during the convoy run.

If it had failed, then the island would probably have fallen after enduring a siege of three years. Among the ships which took part was the then HMS Ledbury.

Sixty years on, a memorial has finally been erected in London.

"I'm very pleased," said Mr Cosh, whose ship, HMS Eagle, was torpedoed during the operation. "I was only 19-years-old at the time and nobody really told us what was going on, but we knew we were going to have a rough time."

He added: "I'm glad it has been recognised, it seems like nothing happens for sixty years, until an anniversary, then everyone starts thinking about it again."