Sleepless nights are over for sixth-formers at John Masefield High School who received their A'Level results yesterday (Thursday).

The school achieved its highest pass rate to date, 97 per cent, with more than 70 per cent gaining A-C grades.

One hundred per cent of students passed in many subjects.

Smiling faces were abundant as relieved students put an end to two months of anticipation.

"I was so nervous, I woke up at six this morning, but my mum said she woke up at three!" said Fran Buckland, who got three As and a B.

She intends to study physics at Imperial College London.

Claire Spurdell was delighted with her three As and a B, which gained her a place at Birmingham University to study music. She said: "I was very nervous, because your uni place depends on these grades."

Luke Taylor, who plans to study business, marketing and communications at Oxford Brookes, said: "I wasn't nervous until I arrived at the school this morning, but I'm really chuffed."

William Smith and Adam Willis have gained places at Cambridge.

Headteacher Andrew Evans said students had worked extremely hard and achieved excellent results.

He said results could be put down to hard work, intelligent students and good teaching practices.

"We have some very intelligent students here, who have worked out how best to study and have done very well," he said.

"We have a very caring environment for learning here."

Twenty-five sixth-formers have recently returned from a trip to South Africa, working in an orphanage.