TOURISM chiefs are looking at plans for the future of an attraction in Bromyard that commemorates Herefordshire's historic links with hops.

Money from the Bromyard Area Regeneration Partnership has already secured a bigger role for the town's heritage centre just a month after it opened.

More than 400 people visited the centre in Rowberry Street during July and now money from the partnership means it can be open from Thursday until Mondays, leaving volunteers to keep it open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The main attraction of the centre is an exhibition and display of artefacts and pictures depicting Herefordshire's historic and present day links with hops and hop picking.

Herefordshire Council has launched a consultation exercise as part of a study to generate ideas about how the facility can be further developed.

Ledbury-based consultants, the Tourism Company, is also undertaking a feasibility study to look at options for the future use of the complex, which has been created from a former 19th century stable.

The consultation will involve establishing the views of people from Bromyard and visitors to the area.

"We need to be looking more to the future and to how it can be a better resource for the community," said Lara Latcham, Herefordshire Council's visitor services officer.

The first stage of the consultation involves asking people to complete a questionnaire in order to ascertain general perceptions about the centre.

Questionnaires are available from the Heritage Centre, by calling Herefordshire Council on 01432 260692 or emailing