GOOD quality music is said to be good for the health.

In particular, it is thought to bring joy and therapeutic benefits to adults and children whose lives are restricted by long-term illness or disability.

Music in Hospitals is a charity set up in 1948 to provide such music and arranges more than 4,000 live concerts each year.

Last week, establishments in Herefordshire had a slice of the fun. Singer and pianist duo Nina Palmer and Colin Reeves led concerts at Harling Court, in Ledbury, Dulas Court near Ewyas Harold and at Cantilupe Ward at the Stonebow Unit in Hereford.

The Department of Health and the Eveson Charitable Trust helped with financial contributions.

Music in Hospitals said concerts at a hospice, hospital or care home can be funded for about £200 - either as an individual, company, club or group - to bring live music to those people who need it most of all.

More information is available by calling 01932 252809 or