The voices of a community will echo across the generations at a living history exhibition in St Michael and All Angels' Church, Castle Frome.

The event, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, from 11am to 4pm, celebrates memories of the Frome Valley area over the past century or more.

Organiser Louise Manning said: "There will be several hundred items of memorabilia and photos."

Visitors will be able to inspect actual surviving artefacts, such as wartime gas masks and also images from popular local events over the decades, such as ploughing matches.

There will be old national newspapers, including one from VE Day, but Mrs Manning said the focus would be very much on living memories and local faces and lives.

Part of the exhibition will provide accounts of the bygone tramps of the Canon Frome area, who would take on occasional agricultural work to make a living after the end of the First World War.

Many of these men were former soldiers who, after the horrors of the trenches, could not settle down into the ordinary lives they had left behind.

Mrs Manning said: "Several became well-known local characters."

Proceeds from the exhibition will go toward church funds.