A VICTORIAN business has put attempts to build a shops development in Ledbury behind schedule.

Although all but one of the new units in Bye Street has been let, the scheme has been delayed by several months because of the need for deeper foundations.

Developer Roger Allsop, of Hope End, said his workers found rubble-filled "swimming pools" on the site, which proved to be old baths for the soaking of animal hides.

Mr Allsop, of Malvair Properties, said: "One prior use of the site, probably in Victorian times, was as a tannery.

"We found these pits, like swimming pools, filled up with rubbish and no good to build foundations on. So we had to go deeper and use a lot of concrete and steel."

The "baths" may have been fed originally by an underground stream, running to the River Leadon, although there was no problem with flooding during building work.

The unexpected discovery means that the development will not be ready until the autumn, with a grand opening being planned for October.

However, three out of the four shop units have been let and both of the offices have been taken.

Mr Allsop said he hoped to make an announcement on the identity of the businesses in the next week or so.

Concerning the building work, he said: "The hard work has now been done and we are on the final lap."

Mr Allsop said another reason for delay was the decision to complete the project to a higher standard of finish.

He said that shop fronts and windows would be installed shortly and a lift would also be put in, to give disabled people access to the first floor.