THE future of plans to completely rebuild Leadon Bank old people's home will be settled this morning (Friday), regardless of moves for a referendum on the issue.

Herefordshire Council has logged 91 letters of objection and a petition signed by 122 people against the proposals.

Its planning committee will decide whether to pass the scheme, submitted by Shaw Healthcare, at a meeting in Hereford at 10am. Council officers are recommending approval,

The council says it will not suspend its decision until after a referendum.

A parish meeting to decide whether to formally demand a poll will still be held on Tuesday at 7.30pm at Ledbury Community Centre, chaired by mayor Mary Cooper.

Objectors to Shaw's plans say the proposed new building is "too dominant, too tall and too close to the road".

Protester Steve Kerridge, of Belle Orchard, said: "We are not objecting to the re-development in principle. But other, more sympathetic designs are possible, that allow for an identical level of accommodation and care facilities, that do not dwarf, dominate and take over the area."

Following earlier protests, Shaw's architect has reduced the proposed maximum height of the building from 16 metres to 13.4 metres.

Planning officer Andrew Banks said: "In broad terms, this is a very well-considered planning application."

Barry Ashton, Herefordshire councillor for Ledbury, said: "They won't get a delay and I don't know whether holding a referendum would be any use after Herefordshire Council's decision is made."

Ledbury Town Council's attempts for formally demand a poll at one of its meetings was rejected by Herefordshire Council, which said only a full parish meeting had the power to call for one.

Town councillor Peter Watts, who has helped spearhead opposition to Shaw's proposals, said he is in favour of a referendum, despite a cost of up to £3,500 to Ledbury tax-payers.

"This is one way for the public to demonstrate their disapproval," he said.

"There aren't many ways in which the public can otherwise make their objections known and only one person can speak for all the objectors at any Herefordshire Council planning meeting.

"The Leadon Bank issue affects everyone in the parish, because this development could set a dangerous precedent and change the skyline of Ledbury."