MEASURES to tackle speeding traffic in Old Road, Bromyard, could be in place within months.

If money can be found, the road could be narrowed in places to make it harder to speed. The move would also allow for wider pavements.

Town councillor Alan Seldon said: "At the moment it's dangerous, as families going to St Peter's School often have to walk on the road near the busy traffic. Pedestrians are in very close proximity to heavy goods vehicles and tractors."

Proposals to narrow the road, giving priority to traffic going up the hill, have been discussed at a meeting with representatives from Herefordshire Council highways department.

Coun Seldon said he has since heard that money could even be available to do the work before the end of the year.

Steve Jay, of highways, said plans were not definite. He said: "We're doing resurfacing work on Old Road in October and hope there will be enough money left to install traffic calming measures when maintenance is finished."

Coun Seldon said Old Road was one of four areas the town council planned to target for traffic calming.

Others include Stourport Road, and Winslow Road and the A44 Worcester Road, near Linton, where a tanker overturned last year.

"Some of these areas are long overdue," he said. "Anything that slows traffic down is good for the people of the town.

"We've made a really good start and hope the rest of the projects are successful."