THE Bishop of Hereford says "good religion" is crucial in the fight against terrorism.

In a letter to all parishioners, the Rt Rev Anthony Priddis says the alternative to good religion is bad religion.

Using a harvest analogy, the Bishop says the harvest of the spirit is as important as the harvest of the land.

"The London bombings, terrorism here and overseas, civil wars and violence, remind us so forcibly the spiritual harvest is of the utmost importance for us all," he said.

Bishop Anthony described young people blowing themselves up as suicide bombers as "horrendous, destructive and violent". He said it was far removed from what God would want for us.

"Any ideologies and religious extremisms that foster violence and division are as far removed from Christ as they can be. If we are not filled by what is good, then we shall be filled by something else," said Bishop Anthony.

"Which is why good religion is so crucial, for the alternative is not no religion but bad religion."