WHIST CLUB - Whist players will be pleased to know that the autumn season will begin in Almeley Village Hall, on Tuesday, September 20. Play begins at 7.45pm.

CINEMA - Flicks in the Sticks returns to Almeley Village Hall on Thursday, September 29 withThe Aviator starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett and Kate Beckinsale. There will be a bar and refreshments. The film starts at 7.30pm with admission for adults £3 and children £2.

Kington WOODCARVERS - Almeley Craft Club invites anyone who is interested in woodcarving to join their group at Lady Hawkins School, Kington, on Thursday, September 22, from 7pm-9pm. Further details from Sonnie on 01544 327064 or Mario on 01544 327571.

For more news from the villages see this week's Hereford Times