WHIST DRIVE - A whist drive in aid of Llanbister and Llananno Churches was held recently in Llanbister community Hall. Gwyn Morgan was the MC. Winners were 1st lady Edith Conway, 2nd Margaret Groves, 3rd Mervin Thomas. 1st gent Kath Hardwick, 2nd Reg Bowen, 3rd John Livsey.

WI - Barbara Gayther welcomed members to the September meeting with apologies from Joan Gregory, Eunice Nickolls, June Pettitt, Carol Thomas, Marion Thomas and Anita Threadgold. Val and Carol Thomas are interested in going on the county trip in October. Four members were asked to attend the guest evening at Llandewi. The speaker for the evening was Peter Jenkins who spoke about his collection of birthday cards and postcards. He was thanked by Olwen Wilson. Hostesses were Olwen Bowen and Maureen Gayther. Olwen also won the mystery prize. Competition winner for a photo with a caption was June Pettitt, 2nd Maureen Gayther who also sold the surplus refreshments.