PARISH COUNCIL - Members were incensed that Herefordshire Council had still not agreed to attend a public meeting to explain the current preferred options on the LDF.

Councillors opted to go ahead with a public meeting some time in November even if no representatives from Herefordshire Council attend. Check and noticeboards for further information. The parish councillors voted for £300 to be made available (under section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972) to cover costs of the campaign against the current LDF preferred options. Councillors decided to leave further consideration of the community-led plan and sustainability action plan until January 2012 when they hope to involve more members of the community. Parish councillors urge Breinton residents to take part in two surveys that will be sent to them over the coming weeks. The first is from Herefordshire Council on housing, aimed at understanding current local housing needs. The second is the campaign for faster broadband, also available at fastbroadband4herefordshire. As part of this campaign, Breinton parish councillors would like to have a broadband champion from the local community.

Contact the council through the website if you are interested in helping with this.

FIREWORKS - The fireworks party is at Lower Hill Farm tomorrow (Friday) at 6.30pm.

Refreshments provided. Organised by St Michael’s Church and supported by the parish council.