PARISH COUNCIL - Breinton Parish Council responded to the local development framework revised preferred option and this document can be seen at

Following the meeting of Herefordshire Council’s overview and scrutiny committee, Breinton parish councillors expressed their continued concern over the changes in the timetable of the LDF. They were also frustrated that although the LDF proposes a ‘relief’ road, it does not include a full review of transport policy throughout Hereford. The parish council will write to the deputy chief executive for clarification on these points.

A public meeting will be held on January 21, to help shape the future for Breinton. It will allow residents to consider what is important to them in the next few years, such as the impact of housing, broadband, car share, or bulk buying of fuel, to name but a few.

Further details about this community led plan will be posted on the website, notice boards and delivered to all households in the parish over the coming weeks.

The parish council has started to consider the level of precept required for the year 2012/13. It is expected that outgoings will be considerably more in this coming year. This will include the necessary acquisition of equipment to meet the requirements of the new planning application process introduced by Herefordshire council. Councillors hope to take advantage of the community technology grant to offset part of this cost. A final decision on the level of precept will be made at the meeting in January.

Councillors are concerned with the state of roads around Breinton. Rather than make proper repairs when necessary, Amey are currently making only temporary repairs (to keep costs down), but as these repairs are made quite regularly, the overall cost is greater than if a full and proper repair is made in the first instance. This is compounded by delays in making full repairs so that the defect is even worse and the ultimate repair even more costly. Parish councillors hope to speak to a representative of the highways department to address this issue.

Residents of Breinton parish are invited to attend the next parish council meeting at the village hall on January 18. Further information can be found at